I saw myself in a marketplace looking for something to eat. as i was moving from stall to stall, i found myself in a friend's stall. although he wasn't selling food but books, i found myself searching frantically beneath his stall for some food. as i was searching, in the process of trying to drag out what i felt may be food, i ended up dragging out feaces. uh! i felt so nauseated upon seeing the feaces. although, there was actual food scattered amongst the pile beneath the stall. however, i somehow managed to gather some food in a plastic bag, but i couldn't manage to pull the bad out from under as i was feeling too nauseated for this. so, my friend opted to assist me in doing that and he successfully pulled out the plastic bag of food from amongst the feaces underneath the stall. he said i shouldnt worry that he was going to help me carry the food home since i was too irritated to touch it. i said okay and left as i expected him to bring it to my house for me. but, i later didnt see him bring anything to my house as i didnt get the plastic bag of food, and then i woke up.
This dream may symbolize your struggles in finding satisfaction or nourishment in your waking life. The marketplace represents a search for fulfillment, and the fact that you are looking for food indicates a need to nourish yourself physically, emotionally, or spiritually.
The specific detail of being in your friend's stall suggests that you may be seeking comfort or support from someone close to you. However, the fact that your friend is selling books instead of food could indicate that they may not be able to fulfill the specific need you have at the moment.
Searching frantically beneath the stall for food signifies your increasing desperation to fulfill this need. The appearance of feces in the dream represents feelings of disgust or contamination, which could relate to negative emotions or experiences that you may associate with seeking nourishment and fulfillment.
Despite the unpleasantness, there is still food scattered amongst the pile, indicating that there may be potential for satisfaction or fulfillment if you are willing to navigate through the negativity or discomfort.
The struggle to retrieve the food and your friend offering to help suggests that you may need assistance or support in finding nourishment. However, the fact that your friend does not actually bring the food to your house implies that you may still feel unfulfilled in the end.
Overall, this dream may signify your frustration in finding fulfillment, a need for support, and a fear of being let down or not having your needs met. It could be a reflection of unresolved feelings or experiences in your waking life that are hindering your ability to find satisfaction.
Consider if there are specific areas of your life where you feel unfulfilled or if there are relationships where you are seeking support. Exploring these areas may provide insight and help you identify steps to address your needs.